Dubai weather in December
The weather in Dubai in December is mild and pleasant, with average temperatures ranging from 29 °C (84 °F) to 23 °C (73 °F) with lows of 23 °C to 20 °C (68 °F) in the nights and evenings. Humidity levels are low throughout the month, so you can expect a comfortable temperature during your stay.
Rainfall is very rare during December, so expect clear and sunny skies. There can be an odd day of strong winds but overall, Dubai is pleasant through the whole month, wind speeds range from 1 mph to 25 mph.
Humidity ranges from 12% to 94%, with the average being 58% during December. A range of 30-55% is considered ideal and below 60% is acceptable. Of course, Dubai being a coastal location humidity is higher.
The weather during December means there’s a plethora of activities and attractions to enjoy, from cultural sightseeing to desert safaris. Outdoor activities are perfect during this time of year.
Past weather in Dubai in December
What the weather in Dubai in December was like last year? Or recent years? The average temperature for December 2022 was 24 °C (75 °F) with humidity levels ranging from 25% to 94%.
Last year there were a couple of days of moderate to heavy rain towards the end of December. Overall, UAE has very low rainfall as a country. You may get a couple of days of light to moderate rain or an occasional heavy rain. 2022 & 2019 saw a couple of days of rain but other recent years did not.
Over the last 10 years, most days have experienced light winds and are classed as a fresh breeze wind speed. This is enjoyable in the warmth.
Rain in Dubai in December
Rainfall in Dubai during December is rare, so you can expect the skies to remain clear and sunny for most of the month.
An average of 16.2 mm of rainfall was recorded throughout December or 3.8 days over the last 50 years and in some years, it can be as low as 0 mm for December. So no need to pack your umbrella!
How hot it will be in Dubai in December?
The temperature during December can range from 29 °C (84 °F) to 23 °C (73 °F). However, it can get cooler on the odd day with lows of 20°C (68°F), so make sure to bring a jacket if you’re used to warm weather. So it’s not very hot but it is lovely and warm. Humidity levels are usually comfortable during this month with the odd higher times.
Is December a good time to go to Dubai?
The short answer is YES! December is an excellent time to visit Dubai, both for its pleasant temperature and the ability to do a plethora of outdoor activities. Average daytime temperatures range from 29 °C (73 °F) at the start of the month, dropping to a milder 23 °C (66°F) by late December.
Humidity levels remain low throughout the month, so you can expect comfortable weather during your stay.
Rainfall is low in December and the UAE overall has low rain amounts due to its desert climate, meaning rainfall is unlikely to disturb your vacation.
Winds are also mild during December with a nice breeze on most days to keep you cool when wandering around in the sun. Perfect for Dubai’s outdoor gardens, parks, beaches or souqs.
Can we swim in Dubai in December?
Yes, you can swim in Dubai during December as the waters remain pleasant and warm.
The sea temperature is typically between 23.8 to 27.6 °C (74.8 to 82.7 °F) throughout December and is perfect for swimming. It will feel cooler than a hotel or resort swimming pool, as commonly they are heated to 30 °C (86 °F). After sunbathing, the sea is lovely and refreshing!
However, being a coastal city, there might be days when the water tends to get choppy due to strong winds so it’s best to check the weather conditions before you go for a dip.
Activities to do in Dubai in December
The pleasant weather during December makes it a perfect month for outdoor activities. Enjoy a stroll along Dubai Creek and soak in the culture of the city or head out into the desert for an unforgettable experience of camel riding and more!
Enjoying a yacht tour around Dubai Marina and Palm Jumeirah
Boat tours around the iconic Palm Jumeirah are an excellent way to experience the beauty of Dubai in December. This man-made archipelago offers stunning views of the city from the coast and is a wonderful place to take in some fresh air and soak up the ambience of this bustling metropolis.
The temperatures during this month are lower, making it ideal for this kind of activity. Whereas months like October can still be too warm and humid to enjoy being out at sea.
Visiting Dubai Miracle Garden
I highly recommend going either in November or December since the flowers have been freshly redone at the beginning of the tourist season in Dubai.
As you get towards the end of the tourist season in March or April, some of the flowers tend to die from the heat and it doesn’t look as glorious as it does at the beginning.
Take a dhow cruise dinner on Dubai Creek
This is a wonderful way to enjoy the wind in your hair and the twinkling lights of the skyline, all while savouring some delicious food. The temperatures during December are perfect for this kind of evening outing.
Just make sure to bring along a light jacket or scarf, as it tends to get a bit cool during the evening, especially with the breeze by the water.
Taking a walking tour of Old Dubai
Exploring the heritage and culture of Old Dubai is a must-do when visiting. Taking a walking tour allows you to take in all the sights, smells, and sounds of this vibrant city at your own pace.
December temperatures are cool enough to enjoy being outside for extended periods but make sure you also pack a hat and some sunscreen.
Ride a camel in the desert
Riding a camel along the dunes of the Arabian Desert is an unforgettable experience and one that should not be missed when visiting Dubai.
The temperatures during December are not too hot or humid, making it much more pleasant to explore the desert on a camel.
Do we need a sweater in Dubai in December?
If you’re coming from a colder country, you won’t need a sweater however if you live in a warmer country then you may find the Dubai evenings and nights a little cold.
If you plan to go to the mountains or desert at night, then taking a light sweater or jacket is best as it can feel colder than that city. It all depends on where you will be going, but generally speaking, light and comfortable clothing is best during December.
What to pack for Dubai in December
When it comes to packing for a trip to Dubai in December, there are some essential items you should take along with you and as the weather gets cooler, there are different items you can pack:
- Light jacket or sweater
- Light material scarf
- Hat or cap
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Comfortable clothing (jeans are fine during December)
- Swimsuit
- Beach towel
- Camera or phone to capture all your adventures!
- Smart or dressy outfit for going out
- Perfume or cologne
- Toiletries
- Tooth brush
- Tooth paste
- Phone charger
- Adapter
Other December FAQs
Can you wear shorts in Dubai in December?
Yes, you can definitely wear shorts in Dubai during the day as the temperatures are still pretty warm but you may feel the cold on the night. There are some places where you can’t wear shorts such as when visiting a mosque or Dubai government building.
For more details on the dress rules of Dubai, read my other helpful article.
Is Christmas allowed in Dubai?
Yes, Christmas is celebrated in Dubai by the many Christian and expat population. While it’s not a public holiday, there are numerous events and activities to enjoy over the festive season. Including Christmas brunches, decorations in shopping malls and Christmas trees in hotel lobbies.
Is Dubai cheaper in December?
December can be a bit of a mix, some weeks are very expensive while the week before Christmas can be more affordable. Hotels get very expensive towards the end of December for Christmas and New Years Eve. As news years with the Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab & Palm Jumeirah fireworks are hugely popular and many people fly to Dubai for the celebrations.
Dubai Shopping Festival is during this time so at least you’ll save on the shopping with all the sales.
Some of the events in Dubai during December:
- Dubai Shopping Festival
- Dubai International Film Festival
- National Day (Celebrating UAE’s Independence)
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Final thoughts on Dubai in December
Dubai in December is a great time to visit, with mild temperatures and low humidity levels making it perfect for outdoor activities. From taking dhow cruises along Dubai Creek to exploring the heritage of Old Dubai on a walking tour, there are plenty of ways to make the most out of your trip here.
Be sure to pack some essential items such as light jackets or scarves, hats and sunscreen so you can enjoy all that this city has to offer during wintertime without feeling uncomfortable. With its exciting events such as the International Film Festival and Shopping Festival, plus Christmas celebrations occurring throughout the month too – what more could you ask for?!